Sustainable aviation requires the design of innovative aircraft concepts designed around novel fuel sources. These new aircraft concepts create a need for novel lightweight composite materials and for improved structural design methods.
Using a fundamental understanding of the physical processes underlying failure of composite materials, we stand to not only to design more efficient lightweight structures, but also to design improved composite micro-structures with bespoke mechanical response. We aim to deliver world-leading research on the experimental investigation, analytical modelling and numerical simulation of the mechanical response of fibre-reinforced composite materials ans structures.
Our group consists of diverse, passionate, creative and committed researchers, which pursue excellence on every aspect of their research, outreach and advocacy.
Prof. Silvestre Pinho
Achieving Net-Zero in aviation requires much more than just research: it requires a holistic approach, involving researchers, the public, industry, regulators and policy makers. We are strongly committed to advocating and proposing a pathway for Net-Zero in aviation. For instance, Silvestre Pinho spoke at the UK parliament, where he proposed his vision for aviation and discussed with MPs and other stakeholders the challenges and opportunities in achieving Net-Zero in aviation by 2050.
AERO50008 - Structures 2,
part of the MEng in Aeronautics
at Imperial College London
Ranked top at the UK SAMPE Annual Student Seminar (Adam Whitehouse)
EPSRC Fellowship (Silvestre Pinho)
Excellence in Teaching Award (Silvestre Pinho)
Shortlisted for Student Choice Award for Best Teaching for undergraduates (Silvestre Pinho)
Students Choice Award for Best Teaching for Undergraduates (Silvestre Pinho)
CompTest Best PhD Student Presentation (Lorenzo Mencatelli)
UK final of the SAMPE / IOM3 student competition (Riikka Hasa)
CompTest Best PhD Student Presentation (Gianmaria Bullegas)
European Final of the SAMPE Annual Student competition (Gianmaria Bullegas)
IoM best paper award (Luigi Gigliotti)
ICCM Tsai award for best student paper (Luigi Gigliotti)
EPSRC Fellowship (Silvestre Pinho)
Finalist in the ICCM Tsai award for best student paper (Andre Wilmes)
Shortlisted for Student Choice Award for Best Teaching for undergraduates (Silvestre Pinho)
Astrium Best Student Paper Award, 5th EUCASS Conference (Julian Dizy Suarez)
Cover Image of the Second Volume of the Cahier Scientique with Nanotube Fracture Simulation Images, published biannually by the A.L.I.A.I, Luxembourg (Andre Wilmes)
Amelia Earheart Fellowship Award (Carla Canturri Gispert)
AIAA 53rd SDM Conference Lockheed Martin Student Paper Award in Structures (Julian Dizy Suarez)
Airbus PhD Prize (Rita Teixeira)
Finsbury Medal (Andre Wilmes)
Governor's Prize (Andre Wilmes)
Voxel Images used as cover of Computational Materials Science since Volume 51 (Emily Potter)
ICCM Tsai Award for Best Student Paper (Soraia Pimenta)
City and Guilds Medal of Excellence (Andre Wilmes)
ESCM Albert Cardon Award for the Best Under 35 Year Old European Researcher in Composites (Silvestre Pinho)
Rector's medal and Fellowship for Excellence in teaching (Silvestre Pinho)
Ranked top at the Sample Annual Student Competition European Final (Soraia Pimenta)
Ranked top at the UK SAMPE/IOM3 Annual Student Seminar (Soraia Pimenta)
BAE Systems Prize (Martin Whiteside)
Best student prize (Damien Abou khalil)
Royal Aeronautical Society Prize (Olivia Stodieck)
Best MEng project in Aeronautics (Sai H L Law)
GSEPS prize (Silvestre Pinho)
Prize ‘Eng. Antonio de Almeida’ for ranking top in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Porto (Silvestre Pinho)
National Final of the Mathematical Olympiads in Portugal (Silvestre Pinho)