Advanced constitutive and failure models

We have developed physically-based failure models for different failure modes in composites, namely matrix cracking, fibre kinking and fibre tensile failure. These failure models were used in the participation of the group in the second World-wide Failure Exercise, a benchmark exercise where selected researchers were asked to provide blind predictions for several cases. The blind predictions from the models were ranked first both quantitatively and qualitatively.

WWFE-II outcome
Diagram for a kink band

Sample publications:

Pinho ST, Davila CG, Camanho PP, Iannucci L, Robinson P et al., 2005, Failure models and criteria for FRP under in-plane or three-dimensional stress states including shear non-linearity, Technical Memorandum, Langley, Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, NASA/TM-2005-213530

Pinho ST, Iannucci L, Robinson P, 2006, Physically-based failure models and criteria for laminated fibre-reinforced composites with emphasis on fibre-kinking. Part I: Development, Composites: Part A, Vol: 37, Pages: 63-73

Pinho ST, Darvizeh R, Robinson P, Schuecker C, Camanho PP et al., 2012, Material and structural response of polymer-matrix fibre-reinforced composites, JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS, Vol: 46, Pages: 2313-2341

Pimenta S, Pinho ST, 2013, Hierarchical scaling law for the strength of composite fibre bundles, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol: 61

Bullegas G, Moledo Lamela J, Pimenta S, Pinho STet al., 2020, On the role of dynamic stress concentrations and fracture mechanics in the longitudinal tensile failure of fibre-reinforced composites, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol: 228, Pages: 1-31